Fact: If two pieces of metal touch in space, they
become permanently stuck together.
This may sound unbelievable, but it is true. Two
pieces of metal without any coating on them will
form in to one piece in the vacuum of space. This
doesn’t happen on earth because the atmosphere
puts a layer of oxidized material between the
surfaces. This might seem like it would be a big
problem on the space station but as most tools
used there have come from earth, they are already
coated with material. In fact, the only evidence of
this seen so far has been in experiments designed
to provoke the reaction. This process is called cold
Fact: Sunspot activity may be the primary reason for
the beautiful sound of Stradivarius violins.
Antonio Stradivari is considered to be the greatest
violin maker ever. He lived in Italy in the 17th and
18th centuries. Scientists have been unable to work
out what it is about his violins that makes them so
incredible, but they do know that the timber used to
make them is a very important contributing factor.
From the 1500s to 1800s, the earth underwent a
little ice age mostly due to increased volcanic activity
and decreased solar activity (this is called the
Maunder Minimum). As a result of this cooling, the
types of trees that Stradivari used for his violins were
particularly hard (due to slow growth). Hard timber
is especially good when making violins. It is very
probable that had Stradivari lived in a different age,
his violins would not be prized as they are today.
This picture above is made of three overlapping
photos. It shows the rings in the spruce tree used to
make the most famous Stradivarius violin, the
“Messiah.” The first row of numbers gives the width
of each ring in millimeters (one mm is about the
thickness of a fingernail). The bottom row gives the
years in which each ring grew.
Fact: Earth has at least 4 moons.
In 1986, Duncan Waldron discovered a asteroid
(5km across) that is in an elliptic orbit around the
sun with a period of revolution virtually identical to
that of Earth. For this reason the planetoid and
earth appear to be following each other. The
periodic planetoid is named Cruithne (pronounced
krin-yə) after an ancient group of Scottish people
(also known as the Picts). Because of its unusual
relationship with Earth, it is sometimes referred to as
Earth’s second moon. Cruithne, is fainter than Pluto
and would require at least a 12.5 inch reflecting
telescope to attempt to be seen. Since its discovery,
at least three other similar asteroids have been
discovered. These types of objects are also found in
similar relationships to other planets in our Solar
System. In the image above (courtesy of Paul
Wiegert), the earth is the blue circle with a cross in it,
and Cruithne’s orbit is shown in yellow.
Fact: Uranus was originally called George’s Star.
When Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus in
1781, he was given the honor of naming it. He chose
to name it Georgium Sidus (George’s Star) after his
new patron, King George III (Mad King George).
This is what he said:
In the fabulous ages of ancient times the
appellations of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn were given to the Planets, as being the
names of their principal heroes and divinities. In the
present more philosophical era it would hardly be
allowable to have recourse to the same method and
call it Juno, Pallas, Apollo or Minerva, for a name to
our new heavenly body. The first consideration of
any particular event, or remarkable incident, seems
to be its chronology: if in any future age it should be
asked, when this last-found Planet was discovered?
It would be a very satisfactory answer to say, ‘In the
reign of King George the Third.’
Uranus was also the first planet to be discovered
with the use of a telescope.
Fact: The Big Dipper is not a constellation, it is an
Many people consider the big dipper to be a
constellation but, in fact, it is an asterism. An
asterism is a pattern of stars in the sky which is not
one of the official 88 constellations; they are also
composed of stars which are not physically related
to each other and can be vast distances apart. An
asterism can be composed of stars from one or
more constellations – in the case of the Big Dipper, it
is composed entirely of the seven brightest stars in
the Ursa Major (Great Bear) constellation.
Fact: The Sun loses up to a billion kilograms a
second due to solar winds.
Solar winds are charged particles that are ejected
from the upper surface of the sun due to the high
temperature of the corona and the high kinetic
energy particles gain through a process that is not
well understood at this time. Also, did you know that
1 pinhead of the sun’s energy is enough to kill a
person at a distance of 160 kilometers.
Fact: The light hitting the earth right now is 30
thousand years old
The energy in the sunlight we see today started out
in the core of the Sun 30,000 years ago – it spent
most of this time passing through the dense atoms
that make the sun and just 8 minutes to reach us
once it had left the Sun! The temperature at the core
of the sun is 13,600,000 kelvins. All of the energy
produced by fusion in the core must travel through
many successive layers to the solar photosphere
before it escapes into space as sunlight or kinetic
energy of particles.
Fact: The moon is drifting away from Earth.
Every year the moon moves about 3.8cm further
away from the Earth. This is caused by tidal effects.
Consequently, the earth is slowing in rotation by
about 0.002 seconds per day per century. Scientists
do not know how the moon was created, but the
generally accepted theory suggests that a large Mars
sized object hit the earth causing the Moon to
splinter off.
Fact: We are moving through space at the rate of
530km a second.
Our Galaxy – the Milky Way is spinning at a rate of
225 kilometers per second. In addition, the galaxy is
travelling through space at the rate of 305 kilometers
per second. This means that we are traveling at a
total speed of 530 kilometers (330 miles) per second.
That means that in one minute you are about 19
thousand kilometers away from where you were.
Scientists do not all agree on the speed with which
the Milky Way is travelling – estimates range from
130 – 1,000 km/s. It should be said that Einstein’s
theory of relativity, the velocity of any object through
space is not meaningful.
Fact: If you put Saturn in water it would float.
The density of Saturn is so low that if you were to
put it in a giant glass of water it would float. The
actual density of Saturn is 0.687 g/cm3 while the
density of water is 0.998 g/cm3. At the equator
Saturn has a radius of 60,268 ± 4 km – which means
you would need an extremely large glass of water to
test this out.
Totally Inspires
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