Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Universal Mind

This is your divine connection. It is itself the source

of abundance. When you are in the flow of this

higher mind, you’re in the flow of prosperity as well.

Everything is possible, and you are connected. You

can get in touch with it through meditation or prayer

or through an inner visitation of a great being, like

Jesus or Buddha or Moses. It can help you solve

your problems. Have you ever heard the affirmation

“God is the Source of my supply?” This is what you

know to be true when you’re in the flow of your

divine connection.

You Have Inner Powers when it Comes to Prosperity

The subconscious sends messages or energy to the

Universal superconscious mind so that you can fully

use your inner powers. When you know you have

these powers, you can reach deeply within yourself

to find them, and this will assist you to create more

abundance and transform your life. Just allow

yourself to relax enough to calm your conscious

mind, and you can have access to a new world of

your inner mind that will bring your life to a higher


Because of your superconscious powers, anything

that you can hold in your mind on a continuing

basis, you can have. Emerson wrote, “A man

becomes what he thinks about, most of the time.”

Earl Nightingale wrote, “You become what you think

about.” In the Bible it says that, “Whatsoever a man

soweth, that also shall he reap.” And this law of

sowing and reaping refers to mental states; to your

thoughts. Of course, there is a potential danger in

the use of your superconscious mind. It is like

fire¾a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. If

you use it improperly, and think negative, fearful

thoughts, your superconscious mind will accept

your thoughts as a command and go to work to

materialize them into your reality. What is the

difference between successful people and

unsuccessful people? It is as simple as this:

Successful people think and talk about what they

want, and unsuccessful people talk about what they

don’t want.

“Never go to sleep without a request to your

subconscious.” – Thomas Edison

Your subconscious loves to do work while your

body performs other tasks that are easy. I can prove

this very easily by asking you how many good ideas

you have had while driving or in the shower. When

you are relaxed yet slightly distracted, your mind is

often at its best.

Using subconscious requests will…

Improve your motivation.

Help you become happier.

Increase your emotional intelligence.



Thomas Edison used his superconscious mind

regularly to come up with hundreds of brand new

ideas and inventions, more than 1,000 of which

completely transformed America at the beginning of

the 20th century. More recently, William Gates came

up with an idea for a basic operating system for the

early computers, which he called “MS-DOS.” It was

so unique and revolutionary that he and Paul Allen

were actually writing the program on the airplane as

they flew to their meeting with their first customer.

Today, Bill Gates is the world’s richest man, and it all

came from a superconscious flash of insight. Bach,

Beethoven and Brahms tapped into the

superconscious mind regularly to write some of the

finest music ever heard. Mozart was so finely tuned

into his superconscious mind that he could both see

and hear the music in his head and was then able to

write down some of the most beautiful music of the

ages, note perfect, the very first time he put pen to


Your superconscious mind can access every piece of

information stored in your conscious and

subconscious minds. It can also access data and

ideas outside your own experience, because it

actually lies outside your human mind. This is why it

is called a form of universal or infinite


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Behind The Pictures


Coretan berbentuk panah maka menunjukkan

bahwa anda adalah orang yang ambisius dan

agresif. Apabila anda menggambar tanda panah ke

kiri berarti senang mengenang masa lalu.

Sedangkan tanda panah ke kanan berarti siap

untuk menyongsong masa depan. Tanda panah ke

suatu objek berarti marah atau penasaran dengan

objek tersebut.

Jika coretan berbentuk lingkaran maka sering

dikaitkan dengan keramahan, senang bicara dan

senang berteman. Artinya anda fleksibel, mudah

beradaptasi dan menyesuaikan diri. Anda juga

memiliki iman yang kuat sehingga berjiwa optimis

dan pantang menyerah.

Anda membuat coretan geometris seperti segitiga,

segi empat, persegi panjang dan formasi pola lain

maka menunjukkan pikiran yang logis. Gambar ini

juga menandakan pikiran yang teratur, proses

pemikiran yang jernih dan ketrampilan dalam

membuat perencanaan efisiensi dan tujuan. Meski

orang menilai anda kolot, tapi anda mampu

menyelesaikan pekerjaan dalam situasi kritis


Bila anda menggambar lingkaran kusut yang besar

maka menandakan keinginan akan gaya hidup

bebas yang menggelinding begitu saja. Sementara

lingkaran kusut yang kecil melambangkan perasaan

amarah yang terpendam.

Apabila anda menggambar abstrak maka

melambangkan ketegangan, kesulitan dan

gangguan dalam konsentrasi.

Gambar kotak memang lebih banyak dilakukan

oleh kaum lelaki. Kotak yang ditumpuk

menunjukkan pemikiran yang metodis dan

konstruktif. Kotak tertutup menandakan bahwa

anda adalah orang yang menghargai privasi.

Sementara kotak terbuka mencerminkan harapan

untuk menyambut seseorang atau sebaliknya

keinginan lari dari situasi yang menekan.

Coretan gambar binatang mampu mencerminkan

bagaimana memandang diri sendiri. Jika

menggambar hewan peliharaan, seperti kucing

maka berarti anda memiliki pribadi yang ramah

dan sensitif. Gambar burung maka berarti anda

memiliki daya imajinasi yang tinggi, penuh

pertimbangan, cinta kasih dan menyukai

kebebasan. Bila anda menggambar hewan kecil

maka mengindikasikan perasaan takut yang

tersembunyi, lemah, pasif, kurang percaya diri dan

introvert. Sedangkan gambar hewan liar

mencerminkan agresivitas dan ketegasan. Gambar

hewan yang suka bersenang-senang, seperti

anjing maka menunjukkan bahwa anda orang yang

senang bermain. Gambar hewan berjalan pelan,

seperti kura-kura maka menunjukkan kpribadian

yang senang merenung.

Bagi anda yang sering menggambar bunga maka

melambangkan sisi feminin dan keinginan melihat

pertumbuhan, alam dan reproduksi. Gambar

bunga juga menunjukkan keinginan berkembang

dan menghasilkan sesuatu dalam hidup. Bunga

dalam rangkaian bisa menggambarkan rasa

kekeluargaan dan kebersamaan. Sementara

gambar bunga dan tumbuhan menunjukkan anda

orang yang sensitif, manusiawi, hangat dan


Coretan pohon yang selalu anda gambar, maka

melambangkan ego dan ambisi. Jika pohon itu

memiliki daun yang lebat dan buah, ini

menunjukkan anda orang yang mendambakan

cinta, seks dan anak. Pohon tanpa daun dan buah,

dengan daun terkulai menunjukkan depresi dan

kurang semangat juang. Lalu, kalau pohon

digambar dengan akar, menunjukkan orang yang

mementingkan asal-usul.

Jika anda menggambar hati maka menandakan

anda sedang jatuh cinta. Hati melambangkan

pikiran orang yang menggambarnya dipenuhi cinta

dan sentimentil.

Wajah cantik yang anda gambar maka

menunjukkan rasa kasih sayang kepada orang lain.

Orang yang senang menggambar wajah cantik

melihat hal-hal positif dalam diri seseorang, situasi,

optimistik, manusiawi, bersifat baik dan sensitif

terhadap sesama. Ia juga mampu menunjukkan

empati, ramah dan senang bergaul.

Tapi jika anda menggambar wajah jelek maka anda

adalah seseorang yang penuh curiga, tidak suka

dan tidak percaya pada orang lain. Anda memiliki

jiwa pemberontak, kurang percaya diri, senang

melihat hal-hal buruk dalam diri setiap orang dan

situasi. Anda juga defensif, cenderung mengubah

fakta karena pandangan anda yang ‘gelap’ dan


Rumah yang anda gambar maka menunjukkan

perasaan terhadap lingkungan rumah, dan

biasanya digambar oleh kaum perempuan. Rumah

yang tidak bahagia, biasanya digambarkan dengan

rumah berbentuk asimetris tanpa jendela.

Sementara rumah dengan cerobong asap yang

mengeluarkan asap menunjukkan anda orang

yang bahagia dengan sikap positif terhadap

kehidupan di rumah. Rumah yang dingin tanpa

hiasan menunjukkan rasa tidak senang dengan

kehidupan di rumah.

Gambar bintang dan benda-benda langit

menunjukkan perasaan penuh harapan,

optimisme, ambisi dan kebutuhan untuk

membuktikan serta mempromosikan diri.

Bila anda menggambar alat transportasi dalam

bentuk apapun melambangkan hasrat untuk pergi

atau mencapai tujuan. Semakin cepat jenis

kendaraan yang digambar artinya anda ingin

cepat-cepat menyampaikan pendapat atau pergi.

Apabila anda menggambar makanan, biasanya

memiliki tiga makna. Yang pertama adalah

kebutuhan akan cinta. Kedua adalah hasrat yang

ingin dipenuhi. Ketiga adalah haus akan sesuatu.

Mana yang sesuai dengan anda?

Senjata yang anda gambarkan maka menunjukkan

sikap persaingan dan kebutuhan untuk

membuktikan diri penuh kekuatan.

Tangga menjadi pilihan anda sebagai coret maka

menunjukkan anda memiliki banyak ambisi,

dorongan yang kuat untuk membuktikan diri, tidak

sabar terhadap proses yang panjang dan

berusaha meraih tujuan terdekat.

Bagi kaum lelaki, biasanya sering menggambar alat

vital. Jika ada lelaki yang menggambarkan payudara

besar atau vagina, artinya hidup lelaki itu sedang

terancam oleh perempuan. Tetapi jika ia senang

menggambarkan alat vital dari kaum sejenisnya,

artinya ia memiliki kelainan seksual. Sedangkan

bagi anda yang menggmbarkan penis, maka

menandakan anda sedang merasa dikucilkan.

Jika anda senang menulis nama sendiri dengan

bentuk tulisan berbeda maka anda adalah seorang

yang sedang mengalami krisis kepribadian. Anda

tidak yakin dengan arah kehidupan anda sendiri.

Sedangkan goresan tanda tangan selalu anda

lakukan secara tidak sadar maka menandakan

konflik emosional dan intelektual sedang

meningkat sehingga anda berada dalam kesulitan.

Benar atau tidaknya makna tersebut, silakan anda

buktikan sendiri.

Sumber: dikutip dari perempuan.com

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Senin, 25 Juni 2012



Fact: If two pieces of metal touch in space, they

become permanently stuck together.

This may sound unbelievable, but it is true. Two

pieces of metal without any coating on them will

form in to one piece in the vacuum of space. This

doesn’t happen on earth because the atmosphere

puts a layer of oxidized material between the

surfaces. This might seem like it would be a big

problem on the space station but as most tools

used there have come from earth, they are already

coated with material. In fact, the only evidence of

this seen so far has been in experiments designed

to provoke the reaction. This process is called cold



Fact: Sunspot activity may be the primary reason for

the beautiful sound of Stradivarius violins.

Antonio Stradivari is considered to be the greatest

violin maker ever. He lived in Italy in the 17th and

18th centuries. Scientists have been unable to work

out what it is about his violins that makes them so

incredible, but they do know that the timber used to

make them is a very important contributing factor.

From the 1500s to 1800s, the earth underwent a

little ice age mostly due to increased volcanic activity

and decreased solar activity (this is called the

Maunder Minimum). As a result of this cooling, the

types of trees that Stradivari used for his violins were

particularly hard (due to slow growth). Hard timber

is especially good when making violins. It is very

probable that had Stradivari lived in a different age,

his violins would not be prized as they are today.

This picture above is made of three overlapping

photos. It shows the rings in the spruce tree used to

make the most famous Stradivarius violin, the

“Messiah.” The first row of numbers gives the width

of each ring in millimeters (one mm is about the

thickness of a fingernail). The bottom row gives the

years in which each ring grew.


Fact: Earth has at least 4 moons.

In 1986, Duncan Waldron discovered a asteroid

(5km across) that is in an elliptic orbit around the

sun with a period of revolution virtually identical to

that of Earth. For this reason the planetoid and

earth appear to be following each other. The

periodic planetoid is named Cruithne (pronounced

krin-yə) after an ancient group of Scottish people

(also known as the Picts). Because of its unusual

relationship with Earth, it is sometimes referred to as

Earth’s second moon. Cruithne, is fainter than Pluto

and would require at least a 12.5 inch reflecting

telescope to attempt to be seen. Since its discovery,

at least three other similar asteroids have been

discovered. These types of objects are also found in

similar relationships to other planets in our Solar

System. In the image above (courtesy of Paul

Wiegert), the earth is the blue circle with a cross in it,

and Cruithne’s orbit is shown in yellow.


Fact: Uranus was originally called George’s Star.

When Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus in

1781, he was given the honor of naming it. He chose

to name it Georgium Sidus (George’s Star) after his

new patron, King George III (Mad King George).

This is what he said:

In the fabulous ages of ancient times the

appellations of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and

Saturn were given to the Planets, as being the

names of their principal heroes and divinities. In the

present more philosophical era it would hardly be

allowable to have recourse to the same method and

call it Juno, Pallas, Apollo or Minerva, for a name to

our new heavenly body. The first consideration of

any particular event, or remarkable incident, seems

to be its chronology: if in any future age it should be

asked, when this last-found Planet was discovered?

It would be a very satisfactory answer to say, ‘In the

reign of King George the Third.’

Uranus was also the first planet to be discovered

with the use of a telescope.


Fact: The Big Dipper is not a constellation, it is an


Many people consider the big dipper to be a

constellation but, in fact, it is an asterism. An

asterism is a pattern of stars in the sky which is not

one of the official 88 constellations; they are also

composed of stars which are not physically related

to each other and can be vast distances apart. An

asterism can be composed of stars from one or

more constellations – in the case of the Big Dipper, it

is composed entirely of the seven brightest stars in

the Ursa Major (Great Bear) constellation.


Fact: The Sun loses up to a billion kilograms a

second due to solar winds.

Solar winds are charged particles that are ejected

from the upper surface of the sun due to the high

temperature of the corona and the high kinetic

energy particles gain through a process that is not

well understood at this time. Also, did you know that

1 pinhead of the sun’s energy is enough to kill a

person at a distance of 160 kilometers.


Fact: The light hitting the earth right now is 30

thousand years old

The energy in the sunlight we see today started out

in the core of the Sun 30,000 years ago – it spent

most of this time passing through the dense atoms

that make the sun and just 8 minutes to reach us

once it had left the Sun! The temperature at the core

of the sun is 13,600,000 kelvins. All of the energy

produced by fusion in the core must travel through

many successive layers to the solar photosphere

before it escapes into space as sunlight or kinetic

energy of particles.


Fact: The moon is drifting away from Earth.

Every year the moon moves about 3.8cm further

away from the Earth. This is caused by tidal effects.

Consequently, the earth is slowing in rotation by

about 0.002 seconds per day per century. Scientists

do not know how the moon was created, but the

generally accepted theory suggests that a large Mars

sized object hit the earth causing the Moon to

splinter off.


Fact: We are moving through space at the rate of

530km a second.

Our Galaxy – the Milky Way is spinning at a rate of

225 kilometers per second. In addition, the galaxy is

travelling through space at the rate of 305 kilometers

per second. This means that we are traveling at a

total speed of 530 kilometers (330 miles) per second.

That means that in one minute you are about 19

thousand kilometers away from where you were.

Scientists do not all agree on the speed with which

the Milky Way is travelling – estimates range from

130 – 1,000 km/s. It should be said that Einstein’s

theory of relativity, the velocity of any object through

space is not meaningful.


Fact: If you put Saturn in water it would float.

The density of Saturn is so low that if you were to

put it in a giant glass of water it would float. The

actual density of Saturn is 0.687 g/cm3 while the

density of water is 0.998 g/cm3. At the equator

Saturn has a radius of 60,268 ± 4 km – which means

you would need an extremely large glass of water to

test this out.

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Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Kerdja ! Kerdja! Kerdja!

“imagination”, “imagination” “imagination”!!! Tjiptaan besar!!!

....Kita jang dahulu bisa mentjiptakan tjandi-tjandi besar seperti Borobudur, dan Prambanan, terbuat
dari batu jang sampai sekarang belum hancur ; kita telah mendjadi satu bangsa jang kecil djiwanja,


Satu bangsa jang sedang ditjandra-tjengkalakan didalam tjandra-tjengkala djatuhnja Madjapahit,
sirna ilang kertaning bumi!! Kertaning bumi hilang, sudah sirna sama sekali. Mendjadi satu bangsa jang
kecil, satu bangsa tugu “rong depa”. 

Candi raksasa Borobudur di Indonesia, sudah berdiri sejak abad 9 Masehi! Saja tidak berkata berkata bahwa Grand Canyon tidak tjantik. Tapi saja berkata : Tiga danau di Flores lebih tjantik daripada Grand Canyon.

Kita ini, Saudara-saudara, bahan tjukup : bahan ketjantikan, bahan kekajaan. Bahan kekajaan sebagai tadi saja katakan : “We have only scratched the surface ” – Kita baru `nggaruk diatasnja sadja. Kekajaan alamnja, Masja Allah subhanallahu wa ta’ala, kekajaan alam. 

Saja ditanja : Ada besi ditanah-air Tuan? – Ada, sudah ketemu :belum digali.
Ja, benar! Arang-batu ada, Nikel ada, Mangan ada, Uranium ada. Percajalah perkataan Pak Presiden.
Kita mempunjai Uranium pula. Kita kaja, kaja, kaja-raja, Saudara-saudara : Berdasarkan atas “imagination”, djiwa besar, lepaskan kita ini dari hal itu, Saudara-saudara.

Gali ! Bekerdja! Gali! Bekerdja!

Dan kita adalah satu tanah air jang paling cantik di dunia.

*dikutip dari pidato Bung Karno di Semarang 29 Juli


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