According to Puranas, Brahma is a self-born from
a lotus flower (this is only story part of it), which
grew from the navel of Vishnu at the beginning of
the universe with atomic super explosion ( Sphota )
with a sound of OM . Thus comes one of his names
Nabhija (born from the navel). From the golden
egg (atomic), Brahma the creator was born, as
Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this
golden egg (atomic) expanded into the Brahm-
anda or Universe. Brahma is traditionally depicted
with four heads, four faces and four arms. With
each head he continually recites one of the four
Vedas. Another story in connection with Brahma's
four heads is that when Brahma was creating the
universe, Bhagavata Purana states Brahma has
more than four heads, counting into many
thousand heads where Brahma is in complete
control of the entire universes, which is billions of
times larger than our Milky Way galaxy.
The Brahma is the universe and along with it
trillion of Agnis were born due to atomic super
explosion, say that is Vishnu who sustains all the
universes. In the above figure the main story of
Brahma and Vishnu looks like other-way around.
From Brahma (universe) trillions of Agnis (Vishnu)
were born; this is scientifically true. This is modern
day big bang theory. One Agni / Suryo / Sun
control our solar system giving all the energy earth
requires to sustain life. The Brahmin pundits did
many mistakes in 4,000 years who hardly told the
truth to commoners. The Maharishis told the
truth, but not the Brahmin pundits to the people
that led to many problems in Bharata accepting
Islam, Christianity and their leaders hating the
foundation of ancient Shanathana Dharma’s
principle. Untrustworthiness and suspiciousness
developed among ancient Bharatians. Dr. Carl
Segan: Video: Video 10: Ancient Hindu Cosmology
Brahma creates certain "beings " solely by the
power of his mind and thought. These beings are
called the mind-born sons of Brahma. The state of
their consciousness is summarized by the title
Brahma Rishi: Seer with the Understanding of
Brahma. Brahma Rishis can confer this state of
consciousness upon others who prove themselves
capable of knowing the universal cosmic
knowledge. To further understand the concept of
Brahma and his relation to the universe, it is
important to view the cosmos through the lens of
the Vedic descriptions of the life of the universe as
interpreted in human years. Here are cycles of time
as recorded in the Vedas and Upanishads .
Small Yuga: 2,000 years. The axis of the earth
spends 2,000 years in an astrological sign and the
moves on to the next sign, going backwards
through the signs of the zodiac. Since we are
finishing the Pisceaen cycle, we are ready to enter
the Aquarian cycle for the next 2,000 years. We
commonly refer to entering Aquarius as the
" dawning of the age of Aquarius."
Complete Cycle of Small Yugas: 24,000 human
years. This is the amount of time needed for the
earth to spend 2,000 years in each sign of the
The Great Cycle
In addition to the earth's axis moving in an arc as
it travels through the signs of the zodiac, there is
another cycle. This is a cycle that involves the
revolution of the entire solar system around the
Milky Way Galaxy. The orbit is elliptical rather
than circular. This is a useful analogy because
changes in overall states of consciousness are
represented as " seasons" for every 5,126 years
through which the solar system passes on its
Solar Yuga: 5,126 years: this is the Sun's
movement around the Milky Way Galaxy where
Sun takes approximately 250 million years to
make one elliptical circle.
Satya Yuga: 5,126 years, approximately started
from 18,492 BC
Treta Yuga: 5,126 years, approximately started
from 13,366 BC
Dwapara Yuga: 5,126 years, approximately
started from 8,240 BC Kali Yuga: * Present Yuga is
5,126 years, which ends in 2017 AD
Mahabharata war took place in 3,115 BC
Ramayana war perhaps taken place in 8,241 BC
Vedas are almost 18,000 years old
Here are the various ages of the universe as
measured in divine years: from Purana.
Satya Yuga: 1,728,000 years
Treta Yuga: 1,296,000 years
Dwapara Yuga: 864,000 years Kali Yuga: * Present
Yuga is 432,000 years
Total Time for One Cycle or Manvantara:
4,320,000,000 years
This is called "A Day of Brahma " and is followed
by a night of equal length
One complete Cycle of day and night of Brahma is:
8,640,000,000 years
360 of these days are called " One Year of Brahma
is ": 3,110,400,000,000 years
100 of these years constitute the total life of
Brahma called Maha Kalpa: 311,040,000,000,000
* The year 2013 is 5126 years from the beginning
of Kali Yuga of the long cycle: 432,000 years. For
the short cycle, winter is ending with the entrance
of the planetary axis into Aquarius, which begins
the season of spring for the shorter, 24,000-year
cycle. A small Yuga is 5,126 years, meaning there
will be a change while Sun traveling in the Milky-
Way galaxy, which directly effects the earth. Sun
takes 250 million years to circle the Milky-Way
At the end of a " Maha. Kalpa" or cycle of
creation , Shiva manifests his destructive influence
and the universe is dissolved. The entire universe
becomes spiritualized. The ancient texts calls this
is the cosmic dissolution. All the levels of the
manifest universe disappear. After a great cosmic
rest cycle, another creative cycle begins as a new
Brahma emerges out of the navel of Vishnu and
the universe is created as new. Another item of
importance is that one who has achieved the
highest level of conscious realization is said to
realize and become one with Brahma. At this
point, all individuality as we know it disappears.
The Soul or Atman returns to its source from
which it will not return of its own volition.
Sat : Truth.
Chid : Spiritual mind.
Brahma : This is entire cosmos, with all of its
contents, the state of existence all conscious. In
other words, Brahma = Cosmo = Universe.
Brahma , Vishnu , and Shiva: In the ancient
Sanskrit texts, they’re no proper reference of
supreme Gods, but scientifically identified the
universe, its creation, preservation and destruction
(super nova). The Hindu apocalyptic theory
involves the trinity of Brahma, the universe
creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and shiva, the
destroyer. However, in the later centuries, people
of Bharata worshiped Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
as their Supreme Gods. Most Hindus believe in
reincarnation, so time is cyclical, when the cycle of
universe comes to the end, one could expect
Vishnu’s final incarnation descending from the
haven. All the evil will be destroyed, purity will be
restored and the earthly living beings begin anew
when a lotus grows out of Vishnu’s navel and from
it Brahma appear to start all new cycle of creation.
Hindu : The word Hindu is a geographical
expression derived from the river Sindhu (Hind in
Persian and Indus in Greek). The Vedic scripts did
not give any name to the set of beliefs about
Hindus. It is significant that there is no exact
Sanskrit equivalent to the word religion. Around
1000 BC, the heritage represented by the Vedas
and the Smritis (system of individual and social
law) acquired the name of Sanatana Dharma or
Eternal Religion . The idea is conveyed by such
terms as Dharma (basic law with various
connotations), Mata (opinion or faith) and Marga
(path to seek the faith). In eighteenth century the
religion professed by Hindus came to be known as
Hinduism. In fact, Hinduism is not a religion in
the sense of Buddhism or Christianity and it is not
ascribed to a single founder or prophet. It has
become customary to say that Hinduism is a way
of life and Vedas scientifically explains the
universe and its creation. A Hindu can be a
Monotheist or Monist and an idol worshipper, a
vegetarian or meat eater.
Hinduism : Definition is based on the doctrine of
Karma and the theory of Reincarnation &
Transmigration of souls with in the Earth’s ionic
atmosphere (radiation belt). Broadly speaking a
Hindu may be defined as a Theist who accepts
Karma and believes in the cycle of birth, death
and rebirth. In the Vedas these dogmas not
explicitly expounded, such as Salvation or
Moksha or Mukti, means to be liberated from the
painful cycle of births and deaths. Moksha also
means the preservation of the individual soul or
jivatma as a separate entity enjoying eternal bliss
or its extinction (Nirvana ).
Upanishads : Sacred tests of spiritual and
philosophical nature. The word Upanishad comes
from the Sanskrit verb sad (to sit) and the two
prepositions up and ni (under and at). The earliest
Upanishads may have been re-composed around
3,000 BC, after the Mahabharata war in 3,115 BC.
There have been several later additions, leading to
200 Upanishads are being available. Upanishads is
number 108 because earth is 108.3 times smaller
than Sun. Also Sun has 108 different properties of
functions, the Modern scientist found it in 1935
but the ancient Maha Rishis knew it over 15,000
years ago.
Vedas divide the supreme beings of the Universe
into three basic classifications.
Satan: Being that dwells in spiritual darkness.
They are usually not very physically attractive.
Asuras : Good looking, desire for lust, greed for
power. They are almost equivalent to the fallen
Angels , Demi Gods , and Devas : Their God is
creator of universe Vishnu . He incarnated onto the
Earth plane.
Vedas : The period in ancient Indian (Bharata)
history from roughly 3,115 BC to 12,000 BC is
called the Vedic Period.
NASA : The Apollo 11 and other Apollo Astronauts
never landed on the Moon, because, all the Earth’s
living beings cannot leave the Earth’s ionic
atmosphere or radiation belt, which is about
20,000 miles. Radio waves and
Telecommunication systems take advantage of
Ionic atmosphere. Most of the Satellites are placed
in between of 22,000 - 86,000 miles.
Ancient Mount Kailas
Mount Kailas is the oldest pilgrimage site on
Earth. In the Himalayas of ancient India, it is near
the source of the sacred Ganges River, and it has
been a holy travel destination for a mind-boggling
15,000 years. The Mount Kailas peak is pyramid
shaped, with four sides facing north, south, east
and west and historians believe that the pyramids
of Egypt were designed to emulate Mount Kailas.
The ancient Hindus describes Mount Kailas is the
holy place of god Shiva. Buddhists say walking the
32-mile circuit around the Mount Kailas, a three-
day trek called a Kora , washes away the sins of
one lifetime. Make the arduous trek 108 times and
you’ll reach Nirvana
Totally Inspires
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